Singer and Premium Screened Singer MembershipsScreened or Unscreened?

The singers on are divided into two categories: Singer and Premium Screened Singer.

All singers are welcome to join SingerExpress. Singer members may upload their photo, vocal reel, bio, styles, etc. on their own without waiting for an approval from the SingerExpress team. Singer members are not verified, nor are they required to pass any kind of audition for membership. They may or may not have vocal demos on their singer page (although it is strongly recommended that they do.) Singers are solely responsible for the content, photo(s), and vocal demos on their page. Singer members have the opportunity to move to the premium screened category on our website after meeting the live audition requirements with our team, and/or by meeting other approved standards, and providing references from noted producers in our field.

Premium Screened Singers have been given "that extra stamp of approval" by the SingerExpress team. They've auditioned for us and proven that they can recreate what is on their vocal demo in an actual studio situation* – quickly, in tune, and on time. Premium Screened Singers are required to have a vocal demo on their Singer Page. All content on the Singer Page – vocal demos, photos and bio – must be approved by the SingerExpress team. Some singers are marked as "pending premium screened approval". This means that the singer is in the process of becoming premium screened but their information has not yet been verified by the SingerExpress team.

Producers have the ability to directly contact any of our singers using our internal messaging system or by any means made available on each member's "Singer Page". When considering any of our SingerExpress singers, producers will rely on their own judgment when connecting with any singer on SingerExpress.

(*Please be aware that premium screened singers are auditioned for solo and lead vocals, not for group or background vocals.)

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